Culture, Exercise, or Massage – What Can You Get with Granite's Smartum Benefit?
Granite's employment benefits include an annual balance on the Smartum Pay application without any deductible for the employee. The balance can be used very flexibly for exercise, culture, massage, commuting, and healthcare services.

Here are a few examples from our staff on how they have utilized their Smartum balance:
Viivi, Customer Success Team, Customer Support
"I'm into competitive cheerleading, and our seasonal fees can be conveniently paid with the Smartum culture and exercise benefit! The seasonal fee is a big one-time expense, so the benefit is definitely significant for me. In previous years, I've also used the remainder of the balance for concert tickets or local hockey games. The commuting benefit is also utilized every year because it is much more convenient to commute to the office by public transport than by car."
Heikki, Product Team, Lead Frontend
"I've been to the theater several times with the Smartum benefit. The musical Something Rotten at the Åbo Svenska Teater last November was really good, and a couple of weeks ago, the puppet theater show Angelika ja kuumat paikat at the Tehdas Teatteri was captivating. I've also gone climbing many times both in Tampere and Turku for exercise!"
Joel, Customer Success Team, Project Manager
"I use the Smartum benefit to pay for my hobby fees (kendo, kenjutsu). I can cover all my kendō fees for the whole year in January with it."

Sami, Sales Team, Sales Manager
"Tennis courts consumed almost my entire sports benefit, and pretty much by April! I played a lot of tennis in the early part of the year, and some of the balance also went to a gym membership. For this year, I got a membership at Elixia gym, which apparently can be paid for with Smartum as well. It's great that Granite maximizes the sports and culture benefits available to the staff!"
Henri, Product Team, Lead
"The exercise benefit usually goes towards ski lift tickets for our annual skiing trip. This is why the exercise benefit for me is usually well utilized by March. I use smaller payments for spa visits, golf, and climbing, if I have balance left.
I think I also paid for a Museum Card with Smartum last year. I've also purchased VR train tickets with the commuting benefit."